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Instructions for preparing material for printing

Instructions for preparing material for printing




The Karkonosze State University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra

General information about the magazine


Zeszyty Wydziału Nauk Medycznych i Technicznych ISSN 2658-0950 have been published periodically once a year since 2009, until 2011 under the name Zeszyty Wydziału Przyrodniczego ISSN 2083-1749, until 2018 Zeszyty Wydziału Przyrodniczo-Technicznego ISSN 2299-1751.

Articles will be published in English or Polish. Articles in the fields of medical and health sciences, technical sciences, sciences and life sciences and related fields are accepted for publication. Original and review papers, case studies are published.


Recruitment of articles for the journal is conducted by the editor-in-chief of the series:

dr hab. inż. Barbara Żarowska

e-mail: barbara.zarowska@kans.pl



Authors do not pay fees for the review and publication process of articles, nor do they receive honoraria.


Editorial policy principles


1. The editorial policy of the journal shall remain independent of commercial influences.

2. It is based on ethical principles that extend throughout the publishing process.

3. Scientific and didactic articles compatible with the profile of the journal, which have not previously been submitted for publication, are accepted.

4. The authors may be employees and students of The Karkonosze State University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra and persons from outside the University.

5. Authors are obliged to follow the appropriate rules for the reliability of the sources they cite, the use of citations and borrowings.

6. To prevent plagiarism, articles are checked by the anti-plagiarism system.

7. Authors of articles are obliged to submit an appropriate statement of their creative contribution to the publication (appendix no. 1), the purpose of which is to prevent ghostwriting (failure to disclose the name of a person who has made a significant contribution to the publication) and guest authorship (naming a particular person as an author or co-author of the work, although their contribution was negligible or not made at all).

8. Authors submit a declaration stating that they waive all copyrights for the benefit of the CPSU in Jelenia Góra, the work has not been published before and its content and illustrative material do not violate personal and property copyrights of third parties (appendix no. 2). The author bears all legal and financial consequences of any violation of third party copyrights.

9. Each author, who is an employee of the University (regardless of the type of contract), is required to affiliate the published work with the full name of the University (Karkonoska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Jeleniej Góra).

10. Every author is obliged to provide his/her ORCID number. Instructions for setting up an ORCID number: https://orcid.org/register (attachment in pdf)

11. Articles that have received positive opinions from reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board are submitted for print.

12. Articles shall be prepared under the Instruction for the Preparation of Materials for Print.

13. Evaluation of work (rules for reviewing publications). Registered papers are reviewed anonymously. These papers are sent to independent reviewers outside the unit. The reviewing process should not take longer than 6 weeks, but the editors cannot guarantee a specific deadline for making a decision. The review shall be in writing and shall conclude with a clear conclusion as to acceptance. The final decision to accept a manuscript for publication, to accept it subject to correction, or to reject it is the prerogative of the Editorial Board and is not subject to appeal. The editors are not required to justify their decisions. The names of reviewers of individual publications/issues are not disclosed, once a year the journal makes public the list of collaborating reviewers.

Instructions for preparing material for printing - Guidance for authors:


General information

1. Papers are accepted in Polish and English.

2. Abstracts of papers must contain 1400-1800 characters with spaces and in case of original papers must be divided into introduction and aim of work, material and method, results, conclusions. Abstracts of review papers must be divided into introduction and aim of the work, a brief description of the state of knowledge, summary (conclusions).

3. The minimum volume of the submitted material should be between 0.5 and 0.75 gross printed sheets (including any tables, graphics, photographs, references, abstract, etc.). In special cases, after agreeing with the editorial office of the journal, publications of a larger volume are allowed.

4. The text of the article is saved in the format with an extension doc. and odt. (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice).

5. Illustrations and photographs in JPG format.  When including graphs in the text, files containing source data based on which the graph was generated are required. Materials submitted without the aforementioned data will be sent back for completion. Accepted file formats: MS Office/Excel (.xls, .xlsx) and OpenOffice (.ods). Graphics other than charts (graphs, infographics, diagrams, etc.) included in articles must be attached in separate graphic files. Accepted file formats: Corel DRAW (.cdr), Adobe Illustrator (.ai), Windows extended metafile (.emf). Images in articles must not be smaller than 1500 pts. horizontally (300 DPI). Files with lower resolution, as well as photos of poor technical quality (blurred, with exposure errors preventing grayscale printing) will be rejected. Photos should be attached in separate files. Acceptable formats are .tiff, .png, .jpg. jpeg, .cpt, .psd. In special cases, it is acceptable to insert formulas created in the built-in MS Word editor.

6. Articles should include a title, abstract and keywords in Polish and English, the main text in Polish or English and a bibliography.

7. The title of the article should be concise and understandable and inform the reader about the content as much as possible.

8. All prepared texts will be verified by the anti-plagiarism system and submitted to the review process.

9. The condition of publication is to obtain a positive review.


Technical (editorial) requirements for the submission

1. General guidelines

a) Text of the article: Times New Roman, 12 point font.

b) Margins: all of 2.5 cm.

c) Text alignment: the text is justified.

d) Line spacing: 1.5 lines.

e) Indented paragraphs: 1.25 cm.

f) Uniform and continuous pagination (pagination): in the middle, at the bottom of each page.

g) Word splitting disabled.


2. Specific guidelines

a) Authors' data should be entered according to the scheme below (affiliations also in English): Anna Abacka1, Piotr Babacki 2, Cyprian Cabacki 1

1. University of Physical Education in Kraków, Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation

2. Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, Faculty of Medical and Technical Sciences

b) The bibliography is placed at the end of the article. Only items referred to in the text should be included in the references. Items in the list of references should be placed and numbered in the order in which they are first referred to in the body of the article. They are numbered with an Arabic numeral and in the text with the same numeral placed in square brackets, e.g. [5]. When a source already cited is referred to again in the text, it is numbered the same as before.



References should be prepared according to Vancouver style including full bibliographic details of all publications (including websites, legal acts, etc.) referred to by the author in the text. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the rules used by MEDLINE:



1. Journal publication:

  • standard article:

Skrzek A, Kozieł S, Ignasiak Z. The optimal value of BMI for the lowest risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women aged 40-88 years. Homo. 2014 Jun;65(3):232-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jchb.2014.01.003.

  • If the journal maintains continuous pagination throughout the volume, the months and number may be omitted:

Cichoń D, Ignasiak Z, Demczyszak I, Fortuna M, Milko M, Ignasiak T. Evaluation of the impact of physiotherapy on physical fitness and ranges of motion of selected joints of eldery women from the Karkonosze University of the Third Age in Jelenia Góra – preliminary results. Central European Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine. 2018;24(4):65-75.

  • more than 6 authors (et al. is written after the sixth):

Rusiecki L, Zdrojowy R, Gebala J, Rabijewski M, Sobieszczańska M, Smoliński R, et al. Sexual health in Polish elderly men with coronary artery disease: importance, expectations, and reality. Asian J Androl. 2020 Sep-Oct;22(5):526-531. doi: 10.4103/aja.aja_131_19.

  • article in a language other than Polish and English (full name of language in English at the end):

Richards CL. L'Association canadienne de physiothérapie joue-t-elle son rôle dans la promotion de la recherche? Physiother Can. 2019 Fall;71(4):306-308. doi: 10.3138/ptc-71-4-gef. French.


2. Books and chapters in the book:

  • The authors are not editors:

Sobieszczańska M. Prewencja chorób sercowo-naczyniowych. Jelenia Góra: Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze; 2011.

  • The authors are editors:

Wojtatowicz M, Stempniewicz R, Żarowska B, redaktorzy. Mikrobiologia żywności. Teoria i ćwiczenia. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego; 2009.

  • authors of a chapter in an edited publication:

Fortuna M, Kaczorowska A, Szczurowski J, Katan A, Stanaszek M. Wpływ rehabilitacji ruchowej i choroby niedokrwiennej serca na poziom wydolności fizycznej u kobiet w przedziale w wieku 80-90 lat. W: Sobolak M, redaktor. Wyzwania XXI wieku w naukach o zdrowiu i kulturze fizycznej. Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa. Jelenia Góra: Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze; 2018.


3. Internet sources (indicate the date of access):

  • website:

World[1] Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe [Internet]. Physical activity [cytowana 30 czerwca 2021]. Available from:



The full rules on references are available in the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)):      https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html


c) Tables and figures

Titles of tables, figures and photographs, source, text in tables should be written in Times New Roman 9 pt. font with a single space. Maintain a separate numbering sequence for tables and figures. Graphic material (figures, charts, diagrams, etc.) should be prepared using programs working in Windows environments, e.g. Corel Draw, Excel, Photoshop, etc. in a form ready for typesetting. Tables should be signed at the top (above the table) and figures at the bottom (below the figure). Each table should be followed by the caption of each figure and photograph with the source or information "prepared by the author", "prepared based on: ...".

d) Note about the author

At the end of the submitted article, please include title or degree, affiliations, e-mail addresses and ORCID numbers for all authors.

Manuscripts that do not meet the formal requirements concerning the layout of the text and the list of references will not be accepted. The editors reserve the right to remove stylistic errors, correct terminology, make necessary abbreviations, corrections and additions to the references without consulting the author. The editors do not verify quotations and their translations, so all quotations and their translations from foreign languages must be prepared by the author, who bears responsibility for them.
When submitting a paper for publication in the journal ZESZYTY WYDZIAŁU NAUK MEDYCZNYCH I TECHNICZNYCH it is required to submit the main author's statements No. 1 and 2 (appendix 1, appendix 2) and optionally statement No. 3 (appendix 3).